Mastering Nap Time: Building an Effective Sleep Schedule for Your 4-Month-Old

March 14, 2024

Cynthia Unuigbe, MD

MD, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

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4-month-old sleep
Navigating the world of a baby's sleep schedule can feel like diving into uncharted waters as a parent. However, you can master nap time and establish a solid sleep schedule for your 4-month-old by understanding their sleep needs and implementing effective strategies. This comprehensive guide explores critical aspects of building a successful sleep routine for your 4-month-old, covering everything from recommended sleep durations to tackling common sleep challenges.

How much should a 4-month-old sleep?

Your baby's sleep needs are evolving at four months old, but they typically require around 14-16 hours of sleep per day, including daytime naps and nighttime sleep. However, it's essential to remember that every baby is unique, and individual sleep requirements can vary. Some babies may need slightly more or less sleep than the average.

What's the best sleep schedule for a 4-month-old baby?

This depends on the baby! we recommend a consistent sleep schedule which is as seen in our 3-months old baby sleep schedule thats helps regulate your baby's circadian rhythm and promotes better sleep habits. Babies who have not learned positive sleep habits from inception may develop a more predictable sleep pattern at four months. They observe three to four naps during the day and more extended stretches of nighttime sleep with training. Aim for a consistent bedtime routine that eases your baby into winding down, such as a warm bath, gentle massage, or soothing lullabies. Encourage daytime naps in a quiet, dark environment to facilitate restful sleep.

Can you sleep-train a 4-month-old?

Yes, you can. While some parents opt to sleep-train their babies around four months of age, it's essential to approach this decision with caution and consideration for your baby's individual needs. Many babies are still developing their sleep patterns at this stage. The choice to sleep train and its effectiveness depend on the caregiver’s patience and implementation strategies. Some parents frown at sleep training techniques such as "Cry it Out.", if you are in that category, we suggest you explore gentle methods to encourage self-soothing, such as establishing consistent bedtime routines and responding to your baby's cues with patience and reassurance.

What is the 4-month sleep regression?

The four-month sleep regression is an expected milestone many babies experience around this age. During this period, your baby's sleep patterns may become disrupted, with more frequent night waking and shorter naps. This regression often coincides with significant developmental milestones, such as increased awareness of their surroundings and improved motor skills. While the 4-month sleep regression can be challenging for parents and babies, it's typically temporary and resolves independently within days. Consistency is critical in achieving a baby sleep schedule that works for your family post -regression. If you are having trouble navigating this phase, consider working with a pediatric sleep consultant, as this will be an investment that every dime

4-month-old sleep tips:

  • Consistent bedtime routine
  • Encourage daytime naps in a quiet, dark environment to promote restful sleep.
  • Respond promptly and with reassurance to your baby's cues, helping them feel secure and comforted.
  • Consider using white noise or gentle music to create a soothing sleep environment.
  • Avoid overstimulation before bedtime by limiting screen time and engaging in calming activities.

Sample Schedule of 4-month-old sleep schedule

Below is a template of what a 4-month-old sleep schedule should look like. However, this is just a sample, open for modification based on your newborn’s awake time or wake window, feeding interval, and nap duration.         Sleep Schedule                                      4 Month Old Sample Sleep Schedule
Wake up time7:00am (1 hour 30 min wake window before first nap)
First morning nap8:30 am -9:30 am (1 hour nap) 2-hour, awake time before 2nd nap
Second nap11:30 am  – 1:30 pm (2 hours nap) 1.5 hours wake window before 3rd nap
Third nap3:00 pm – 4:10  pm (I hour, 10 min  nap) 1-hour awake time before 4th nap
Fourth nap5:10 pm - 6:00 pm ( 50 min nap) 60 min wake window to bedtime
Feed6:00 pm – 6: 30pm
Bath, massage, relaxing bedtime music, bedtime stories in the sleep space/dark room6:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Bedtime7:00 pm

4-month-old baby sleep chanllenges

  • Night waking: Many 4-month-olds experience more frequent night waking as they navigate developmental changes and growth spurts. Respond to your baby's needs with patience and comfort, but avoid creating sleep associations that may lead to sleep problems in the future.
  • Short naps: Some babies struggle to nap for extended periods during the day. Establishing a consistent nap routine and a conducive sleep environment can help encourage longer naps over time.
  • Sleep associations: Be mindful of creating negative sleep associations that rely on external props, such as rocking or nursing, as these can become problematic when your baby learns to self-soothe. Encourage independent sleep skills from an early age to foster healthy sleep habits.


Mastering nap time and building an adequate sleep schedule for your 4-month-old is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and a deep understanding of your baby's unique needs. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide and remaining responsive to your baby's cues, you can create a nurturing sleep environment that supports healthy sleep habits and promotes restful nights for the whole family. Remember, every baby is different, so adopt the baby sleep schedule to suit your baby's individual sleep preferences and developmental stage. With time and persistence, you'll find a rhythm that works for both you and your little one, paving the way for peaceful nights and rejuvenating naps. At Sleep & Cradle®, we understand that every baby is unique. It's essential to adapt the suggested tips and sample schedule to suit your little one's sleep schedule. With time, patience, and consistency, you can help your 4-month-old develop healthy sleep habits and enjoy restful nights.

Cynthia Unuigbe, MD

MD, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

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