Featured Partners & Accreditations



Partner Network

At Sleep & Cradle®️ Solutions, we believe that partnerships are essential to providing excellent sleep solutions to families. 

Our partnership program is designed to collaborate with companies and organizations that share our vision of increasing productivity, retention, and mental well-being of employees starting their families and patients who need reliable postnatal sleep support.

We help parents impact positive habit formation from day one and understand the best methods to help their babies get the proper quality and quantity of sleep.

Sleep & Cradle®️ Solutions

Our partnership program offers a range of benefits, including access to our Baby Sleep Telehealth Program, Unlimited Membership, team of certified Newborn Care Specialists, Pediatric Sleep Consultants, and Parenting Coaches. We provide marketing and promotional support to our partners and co-branded events and webinars to reach a wider audience. Additionally, we offer preferred pricing for our partners on our services and products.


We partner with companies and organizations that share our passion for improving employee productivity and retention and supporting families during the prenatal, postnatal, and parenting stages. This includes Employers, Payors, and businesses in the healthcare industry, including pediatric clinics, birthing centers, and obstetricians. We also partner with companies in the baby and toddler industry, including baby gear manufacturers, baby clothing brands, and baby-focused retailers.


Partnering with Sleep & Cradle®️ Solutions allows you to provide added value to your employees, clients and customers by offering access to our team of experts. It is a win-win situation for all parties involved, as we help families get the proper quality and quantity of sleep, and our partners benefit from increased employee productivity, retention, customer satisfaction, and loyalty.

Proud Partners

Featured Partners Accreditation

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