Sleep Regression With Ease

January 13, 2024

Cynthia Unuigbe, MD

MD, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

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Sleep regressions can be challenging for both babies and parents. These periods of disrupted sleep can leave everyone feeling exhausted and frustrated. However, with the proper knowledge and strategies, navigating these regressions and promoting healthy sleep habits for your little one is possible. This comprehensive guide will explore the different stages of sleep regressions, their potential causes, and practical techniques for managing them. Whether you are a new parent or an experienced caregiver, this guide will provide valuable insights and helpful tips to help your baby sleep soundly through any regression.  

Understanding Sleep Regression

It refers to a temporary period when a baby's sleep patterns suddenly change, causing disruptions in their sleep routine. These regressions are often associated with developmental milestones, growth spurts, teething, and other factors impacting a baby's sleep schedule. While sleep regressions can occur at various ages, the most common stages include 4 months, 6 months, 8 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 2 years. It's important to note that not all babies will experience every regression stage, and the duration of each regression can vary from child to child.  

The 4-Month Sleep Regression

One of the earliest sleep regressions occurs around the 4-month mark. Babies transition from newborn sleep patterns, dropping their naps to different sleep cycles at this age. They may experience increased nighttime awakening, shorter naps, and difficulty sleeping. This regression is a developmental milestone, and it is normal! Your baby is adjusting to the new sleep cycle, which throws them off their initial routine.  

The 6-Month Sleep Regression

The 6-month sleep regression is a topic of debate among experts. Some argue that it may not be an actual regression but rather a period of increased night waking due to hunger or developmental milestones. Babies around this age may be going through growth spurts, learning new skills like rolling over or sitting up, and experiencing more stimulatory activities. While the duration of this regression is typically short-lived, it can still disrupt sleep patterns and require routine adjustments.  

The 8-Month Sleep Regression

Around 8 months of age, babies often go through another sleep regression. This regression is often associated with physical milestones such as crawling, pulling up, and cruising. The increased mobility and brain development during this stage can lead to more frequent night waking, shorter naps, and crankiness. Additionally, teething can contribute to sleep disturbances. It is crucial to ensure that your baby is comfortable during this time and provide a pain reliever on your pediatrician's recommendation, as some infants experience a significant amount of pain that has them crying in their sleep to help them settle back to sleep.  

The 12-Month Sleep Regression

The 12-month sleep regression may occur around your baby's first birthday or slightly earlier. This regression is often marked by increased awareness of the world, separation anxiety, and the desire for independence. Your baby may experience changes in their sleep patterns, such as resistance to bedtime, night waking, and disrupted naps. Maintaining a consistent bedtime routine and offering reassurance can help them navigate this regression and establish healthy sleep habits.

The 18-Month Sleep Regression

Around 18 months, toddlers undergo another round of developmental milestones that can impact sleep. This regression is often characterized by changes in circadian rhythms, increased awareness of the environment, separation anxiety, and the desire for independence. Toddlers may resist bedtime, experience night waking, and have difficulty settling down for naps. Creating a calming bedtime routine and providing extra comfort and reassurance can help toddlers navigate this regression and establish a sense of security.  

The 2-Year Sleep Regression

The 2-year sleep regression is the last standard regression stage before children transition from toddlerhood to preschool age. This regression can be influenced by factors such as potty training, transitioning to a toddler bed, and increased nighttime fears. Toddlers may experience nap strikes, bedtime resistance, and improved nighttime awakenings. Establishing consistent sleep routines, addressing concerns of anxieties, and providing reassurance can help toddlers navigate this regression and sustain their healthy sleep habits.    

What Cause Sleep Regressions in Babies?

Sleep regressions in babies refer to periods when a previously well-sleeping infant suddenly experiences sleep disruption. These regressions can be frustrating for parents and caregivers, but they are a standard part of a baby's development. Several factors can contribute to sleep regressions in babies:
  • Developmental Milestones
  • Growth Spurts
  • Teething
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Change in Environment
  • Changes in Routine
  • Sleep Associations.
  • Regression Phases
  • Illness or Discomfort
It's important to note that sleep regressions are temporary phases and are typically a sign of your baby's growth and development. While they can be challenging, they usually resolve with time and consistency. Our Baby Sleep Training Masterclass and Baby Sleep Strategies class can help your baby through these phases by maintaining a consistent bedtime routine, offering comfort, guiding you through baby sleep schedule strategies that will ensure you retain the already established positive sleep habits, providing emotional support, and creating a safe and comfortable sleeping environment. Suppose your baby has any upper respiratory tract infection or illness impacting their sleep quality. In that case, we recommend that you consult with your pediatrician to resolve the ailment before consulting with a baby sleep consultant for guidance and support.

Managing Sleep Regressions: Effective Techniques and Strategies

While sleep regressions can be challenging, several techniques and strategies can help you and your baby navigate these periods of disrupted sleep. Here are some tips to help manage sleep regressions effectively:

1.      Stick to a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Maintaining a consistent bedtime routine can provide security and signal your baby that it is time to sleep. A bedtime routine can include a warm bath, a massage in the dark room, and putting your baby in their crib in their sleepwear while reading a bedtime story in a soothing voice. Consistency and predictability can help your baby feel calm and ready for sleep, even during a regression.

2.      Respond to Your Baby's Needs

During a sleep regression, your baby may require additional comfort and reassurance. Responding to their needs with love and care can help them feel secure and supported. This may involve soothing techniques such as body rubs or soft lullabies and administering pain relievers for babies going through painful teeth eruptions with the approval of your pediatricians. While it is important to encourage independent sleep skills, providing comfort during regressions can help your baby feel safe and loved.

3.      Ensure a Comfortable Sleep Environment

Creating a comfortable sleep environment can significantly impact your baby's sleep during regressions. Ensure the room is calm, dark, and quiet, with a comfortable mattress and bedding. Consider using white noise machines or soft music to drown out any external noises that may disturb your baby's sleep. A peaceful and dedicated sleep environment can promote better sleep quality and help your baby recover more efficiently during regressions.

4.      Establish Healthy Sleep Associations

Helping your baby establish healthy sleep associations can improve sleep during regressions. Encouraging them to fall asleep independently, without relying on external aids such as rocking or feeding, can promote self-soothing skills. This can be achieved through techniques like the drowsy but awake method at their scheduled nap time or bedtime. By teaching your baby to self-soothe, they can navigate regressions more smoothly and develop sustainable sleep habits.

5.      Maintain a Consistent Nap and Bedtime Schedule

Consistency is vital when it comes to managing sleep regressions. Maintaining a consistent nap and baby sleep schedule can help regulate your baby's internal clock and promote better sleep. Aim for regular nap times and a consistent bedtime, even during regressions. This can help your baby establish a predictable sleep routine and improve their sleep quality.

6.      Consider Sleep Training Methods

Baby sleep training can effectively manage regressions if you have exhausted all options and need help from a Baby Sleep Consultant. Various sleep training techniques are available, amongst which is the gradual extinction method. These methods involve gradually teaching your baby to self-soothe and fall asleep independently. Choosing a method that aligns with your parenting style and being consistent in its implementation is vital in achieving your short-term and long-term sleep goals.

7.      Seek Support from a Professional

If you are struggling to manage sleep regressions or if they persist for an extended period, consider seeking support from a Pediatric Sleep Consultant. They can provide personalized guidance and tailored strategies to help you and your baby navigate the challenges of sleep regressions. They may also be able to identify any underlying issues contributing to sleep disturbances. Sleep & Cradle®️ Solutions is on a mission to equip parents with the tools, knowledge, and skills to be the architects of the positive sleep habits their babies develop and restore sleep to parents struggling with sleep deprivation.  


Sleep regressions are indications that your baby is achieving their developmental milestones, and while they can be challenging, they are temporary. By understanding the different regressions and their potential causes, and implementing effective strategies, you can help your baby navigate these periods of disrupted sleep and establish healthy sleep habits. Remember to be patient, provide comfort and reassurance, and maintain consistent sleep routines. With time and consistency, you and your baby can sleep soundly through any regression.

Cynthia Unuigbe, MD

MD, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

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